Doncho Donchev was the only Bulgarian artist at Milan World’s

 Doncho Donchev was the only Bulgarian artist at Milan World’s
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A Bulgarian Artist at Milan Expo 2015

 Doncho Donchev was the only Bulgarian artist at Milan World’s Fair – Expo 2015.
Exhibitions like Expo 2015 in Milan take place every five years. The next one will be in 2020 in Dubai. The idea of Milan Expo is to gather art works from different countries so that the public can get to know the world’s cultural diversity.

One of Picasso’s most famous works “Guernica ” was painted and first presented at a similar exhibition in 1937. Many great artists have participated in these exhibitions during the years – one of them is Doncho Donchev.

The citizens of Milan had the chance to contemplate an ambitious project of Donchev’s called “Reflections ” (In Italian -„ Riflessioni “). The project was introduced at the exposition thanks to the famous Swiss gallerist and EXPO curator Arminio Sciolli and under the aegis of the most-read daily Italian newspaper “Corriere della Sera ”.

In Milan Doncho Donchev enjoyed a warm welcome.  “Happiness took me over as I was really appreciated for the creations of my hand and mind ”, claimed the artist.
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